与其打开 Visual Studio 或 windbg 在那瞎猜,不如直接用代码编辑器打开(甚至记事本)。 然后搜索文本 Console History (reversed) ,这样就可以看到一大段明文日志。 这个日志是新的在前面,老的在后面进行排布的。
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Console History (reversed)
2852(200.822541): FATAL ERROR: attempting to render with error material for 'materials/error.vmat' 2851(200.822512): FATAL ERROR: attempting to render with error material for 'materials/error.vmat' 2850(200.822495): FATAL ERROR: attempting to render with error material for 'materials/error.vmat' 2849(200.822487): FATAL ERROR: attempting to render with error material for 'materials/error.vmat' 2848(200.822467): FATAL ERROR: attempting to render with error material for 'materials/error.vmat' 2847(200.822231): Sending Steam API content notification 2846(200.822209): C:\buildworker\csgo_rel_win64\build\src\filesystem\basefilesystem.cpp (7062) : AssertMsg Failed in function CBaseFileSystem::MarkContentCorrupt(): Content being marked corrupt. bMissingFilesOnly = false, pFile specified as 'NULL', reason: 'FATAL ERROR: attempting to render with error material for 'materials/error.vmat'' 2845(200.822203): Sending Steam API content notification